Missions Trips
Brother Francis Pereira is not only a native of India, he's a missionary there as well! Each year, Spread the Fire Ministries leads outreach teams to various parts of Asia to minister to the needy, evangelize to the lost, and pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the whole of Asia. Each mission trip is uniquely designed to have the highest impact while still offering the participants a chance to enjoy the culture of Asia.

Building Churches
A tribal church in the northeast part of Asia needs to complete their church building project. This is a predominantly Hindu area, but the Lord has been pouring out His Spirit, and many tribal people are being saved! We want to thank God for providing and completing this church..

Transforming Communities
Building communities of Love with hope to be transformed from the inside with strength and new vigour in moving ahead in life with purpose value and Destiny.

Drilling Wells
It is estimated that over 80% of Isouth Asia population does not have access to clean drinking water. They regularly drink water from lakes, ponds and rivers. This is the same water used for bathing, laundry and watering cattle.
This reality is especially true for rural villages. In a mostly rural state, there are over 3,000 villages without a water source! Rural women spend an average of four hours a day collecting and purifying drinking water. According to The World Health Organization, Asia's water shortage is expected to worsen in the coming years. Fresh water is indeed a commodity that represents an urgent human need. Its supply represents a life-giving place of importance in the affairs of village governments and their various functions.
Fresh water saves lives!
SPREAD THE FIRE Ministries believes that the expression of Jesus has to be in both word and deed. We present the gospel in word and through acts of kindness that can greatly help them. In south Asia, most life-threatening disease stems from impure drinking water which is collected from ponds, canals, and rice paddies–the same water used for bathing, laundry, and watering cattle. A fresh-water well is a gift to people of all castes. Each time a villager draws clean drinking water, they encounter these words in their language, "Touching the world with the love of Jesus." The gift of a fresh-water well is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
Thirst-quenching clean water
Spread the Fire Ministries drills fresh-water wells that supply clean, running water to support the daily water needs of an entire village. If you or your church would like to sponsor a well, the cost is $3,850. Contact Spread the Fire Ministries for more information.

Giving Basic Necessities
Water which is the basic necessity to life is such a a need in drought affected areas in Asia and we build bridges with communities building wells and help them secure their future. Feeding the poor and afflicted supplying medicines and supporting medical treatment has become one of our biggest focus. We have helped thousands of families get their food clothing shelter and nutrition to remain strong during these hard times of Covid.

Rehabilitating Slum Children
There are 300,000 slum children in the streets of a bustling city in south Asia who are street smart and are run by mafias to gain money and sell drugs and beg. These kids lying on the streets of begging are the future of the Asia.
We support the feeding, schooling and rehabilitating of these children.
Lifting Up Lepers & the Destitute
We have been supporting Grace Foundation in south Asia to pick up lepers, beggars and destitute from the street and rehabilitate them help them live decent lives.